Our Automotive DNA


Companies that design, manufacture, and market vehicles under their own brand

Tier 1

Companies that supply parts or systems directly to OEMs. They provide critical components that are integral to the assembly of the final vehicle


Companies that supply parts or components to Tier 1 suppliers. They produce specialized components that are used to manufacture the larger systems or assemblies provided by Tier 1 suppliers.


Companies that innovate and want to scale, in order to better serve the Automotive sector

OEM Experience: Audi, BMW, Ford, Renault, Stellantis, Volvo, Volkswagen

ECU projects: Airbag, Brakes, Radar, ADAS, BMS, Charger, Electric Retractor, Steering


System Architecture

Definition and maintenance of Automotive Safety Critical System Design and Architecture Specification

Negotiation, analysis and allocation of requirements to domains (HW, SW, Mechanics, Hydraulic, Quality, Project, Process, Manufacturing),  system elements and their interfaces

Specification and development of system element’s dynamic behavior

Evaluation of alternative system architectures, concept definition and prototype development

Internal Functional Analysis, System partitioning, DFMEA

Change request needs identification and assessment of associated risks and impact

Bill Of Materials and Cost Engineering

Microcontroller/DSP Resource Estimation

Software Architecture

Evaluation, development and evolution of AUTOSAR (and non-AUTOSAR) software architectures.

Requirement analysis, allocation, traceability and coverage

Functional aspects (Malab/Simulink, etc .)

Static aspects (Components, interfaces, reuse strategy, etc. )

Dynamic aspects (Runnables, Task, ISR, Spinlocks, Semaphores, Critical Sections)

Functional Safety ISO 26262 and Cyber Security aspects (Freedom from Interference, uC & OS, safety manual application, SW-FMEA, SAE J3061, Secure Communication, Secure authentication, etc.)

Modeling of the software architecture with UML/SysML tools (EA, Rational, Papyrus etc.)

Definition of domain specific language

Documentation and Arxml generation

Real-time definition and optimization, configuration, integration for single or multicore target architectures

Software execution simulation (Inchron Chronsim, Timing Architects, etc.) and test against the real-time requirements

AUTOSAR consulting and ECU integration

Rich experience with AUTOSAR software component (SWC) authoring with various tools (Autosar Builder, Dspace SystemDesk, DaVinci Developer, Artop)

AUTOSAR compliant code generation from Matlab/Simulink models.

Basic software ( BSW ) configuration and integration (EB Tresos, DaVinci Configurator)

RTOS (Design, Configuration, Integration and Test)

System services ( EcuM, BswM, DEM, WdgM, ComM )

Communication services (Com, Dcm, FlexRay Stack, CAN stack, LIN stack)

Memory Services (EEPROM, Emulated EEPROM)

MCAL configuration and integration

Tailored training to achieve the desired training effect.

Embedded Software Development

Software development according to ISO 26262 and A-SPICE standard in C or ASM

AUTOSAR Complex Device Drivers ( Sensors, Actuators, ASIC )

Proof-of-concept prototype development and analysis (feasibility measurements )

Requirement traceability

Design Documentation ( generation from UML model )

Static tests ( QAC, Lint, Polyspace )

Unit Test and report

Software integration, debugging and test ( iSystem, Lauterbach, etc.)

Compiler and linker configuration

Build environment

Software Project Management

Competent representation (communication and presentation) of client in front of OEM

Technical and organizational leading of project development teams

A-SPICE v3.0 project management

Work breakdown structure creation , resource allocation, cost estimation with Microsoft Project

Project status tracking and monitoring

Project risks management

Change and configuration management

Agile development

Project and team communication

Quality management ( conducting reviews and inspections )

Software Process development and modeling with SPEM

Requirement Management

Analysis of customer and stakeholder needs

Requirement analysis, generation and negotiation

Requirement allocation and baseline control

Requirements refinement/reformulation

Requirement database maintenance

Rational DOORS Dxl scripting for automation

Integration of requirements into change management system

Development of effectiveness and performance measurements

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    The greatest challenge in Embedded System Software is complexity.
