If I may, I would rephrase it to: Be aware of what you value.
Based on the following definition value is a concept that describes the beliefs of an individual or culture. A set of values may be placed into the notion of a value system. Values are considered subjective and vary across people and cultures.
Take this test to find out your personal values for free at the Valuescenter.
I like that they have defined a value system and tell you about your positive and negative values.
You will receive by e-mail your personal values assessment.
There is also a detailed description of the system.
Values vary across people and cultures but it seems that there are still some similarities if you look at generations. Generic values of generations is also important ( here is a list for mY generation , even more details here )
- Self-expression is more important than self-control
- Marketing and branding self is important
- Violence is an acceptable means of communication
- Fear living poorly—this is related to lifestyle enjoyment, not wealth
- Respect must be earned; it is not freely granted based on age, authority or title
- Adapt rapidly ( agile )
- Crave change and challenge
- Create constantly
- Exceptionally resilient
- Committed and loyal when dedicated to an idea, cause or product
- Accept others of diverse backgrounds easily and openly
- Global in perspective ( one planet one people )
Keep in mind that if you value something, you are likely to pay ( work ) more for it.. 😉
Your values might ( and will ) change over time ( this is why every generation has a different set of values ).
And you should also check if the company that you work for has the same/similar corporate values or if your values are compatible. Be careful not to mix strategies and values. ( here is a good article on this topic )
If you are in a relationship, make sure your partner shares the same values. It might be the right bond between you.
If you have a child ( or more of them ) mindful parenting is also based on shared values. Otherwise the kid will not know what to value.